Women’s Health

Men’s Health

Child & Adolescent Health

Skin Checks

Chronic Disease

Mental Health

Sexual Health

Pre-Employment Medical

Drug & Alcohol Testing

Driver’s License Medical

Travel & Sports Medicine

Antenatal Care

Sclerotherapy for Varicose & Spider Veins


Intravenous Vitamin

iron infusion

Family Medicine


Covid & Flu Vaccinations

Onsite Pathology



Speech Pathology


Women’s Health

Our Male and Female doctors provide all health services related to women’s health 

  • Antenatal and Postnatal care 
  • Contraception 
  • Cervical screening 
  • Breast cancer screening 
  • Sexual health screening 
  • Implanon 

Men’s Health

Australian men are more likely to get sick than Australian women from serious health problems. We help men all stages of life including: 

  • Prostate enlargement 
  • Erectile dysfunction 
  • Premature ejaculation 
  • Gynaecomastia 
  • Testosterone deficiency 
  • STD testing 
  • High blood cholesterol (Lipids) 
  • High blood pressure 
  • Diabetes 
  • Smoking 
  • Obesity 

Child Health

We provide all range of health and support services for children such as:

  • Immunisation 
  • Health assessments 
  • Growth and development 
  • Behavioural concerns (Autism, ADHD, bed wetting etc) 
  • Common childhood diseases  

Adolescent Health 

Our services for Adolescents include: 

  • Depression and Anxiety management  
  • Eating disorder 
  • Drug and alcohol abuse 
  • Teenage contraception and pregnancy 
  • Gardasil immunisation 


We provide all government supply essential immunisation as well as private immunisations across all ages.

More Info: National Immunisation Program

Chronic Disease Management

Our experienced GPs are well organised to manage your chronic conditions and they co-ordinate with specialists and all healthcare providers for your comprehensive care. It includes:

  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Heart disease
  • High cholesterol
  • Asthma
  • COPD
  • Arthritis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Dementia
  • Depression
  • Alcohol dependency
  • Chronic pain management
  • Obesity
  • Anxiety

We provide GP management plan and team care arrangement with expert allied health services such as physiotherapy, chiropractor, dietician, exercise physiologist, podiatrist and osteopath.

Mental Health 

Our GP’s are highly interested in mental health care for people of all ages. We respect your confidentiality unless it’s harmful to you or others. Mental health concern always a priority to manage. It includes

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Schizophrenia
  • Mania
  • Bipolar disorder
  • ADHD
  • Eating disorder
  • PTSD
  • Substance abuse

We provide mental health GP care plan for the eligible patient; Medicare benefits are available for up to twelve services per calendar year.

Skin Cancer Screening

Our experienced skin cancer doctor will take 15-20 minutes for a full skin check depending on your skin type. To thoroughly screen, the doctor will need to examine all area that has been exposed to the sun and will ask to undress apart from your underwear. Ladies are asked not to wear makeup.

Diagnosis and treatment

Skin cancer is diagnosed by skin examination and biopsy. The treatment choice will depend on your age and general health, the type and size of cancer where it is in your body and what you want.

Our Doctors offer the most common way to treat skin cancer such as surgery, cryotherapy, use of topical chemotherapy, curettage and cautery as appropriate.


Standard consult fees for skin cancer consultations apply.

Non-skin cancer/Cosmetics procedures such as cyst, benign mole, etc excision may cost out of pocket. The actual amount will depend on the complexity of the work being done.

DVA gold cardholders will be bulk billed for all procedure.

Sexual Health

Sex is normal, natural part of life and nothing to be embarrassed about.

All sexually transmissible infections can be detected by regular testing and treating infections sooner such as chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis, genital herpes, HIV, hepatitis etc.

Pre-employment Medicals

We offer pre-employment health assessment.

For the employer to arrange a health assessment for their employee, please phone (07) 5619 3066

Drug & Alcohol Testing

To screen drug and alcohol, we use urine and it involves private fees.

Please contact (07) 5619 3066 for more information.

Driver’s License Medical

We ensure your fitness and safety before you hit the road.

For private and commercial vehicle driver’s health assessment we follow the guidelines of the publication assessing fitness to drive for commercial and private vehicle drivers and for UBER medical we do follow DTMR website as well. 

Travel & Sports Medicine

Our GP’s are good for advice travel medicine and make sure your physical fitness for sports.

Antenatal Care

All women experience pregnancy differently and you will experience different symptoms at different stages of your pregnancy.

Our doctors provide support and guidance on every step of the way. To monitor the mother and baby’s health, our doctor does regular examination, investigation and ultrasounds.

We also offer shared care with local hospital and specialists.

Sclerotherapy for Varicose and Spider Veins

Sclerotherapy is a medical procedure used to eliminate varicose veins and spider veins.

Sclerotherapy involves an injection of a solution (generally a salt solution) directly into the vein.

The solution irritates the lining of the blood vessel, causing it to swell and stick together, and the blood to clot. Over time, the vessel turns into scar tissue that fades from view.

Sclerotherapy is a proven procedure that has been in use since the 1930s.

Candidates for Sclerotherapy

Prior to sclerotherapy, you will have an initial consultation with a dermatologist or vascular medicine specialist who will decide if you’re a good candidate for the procedure.

You are not eligible if you are pregnant. You can have sclerotherapy if you take birth control pills.

If you have had a blood clot in the past, your eligibility will be decided on an individual basis, and will depend on the overall health of the area needing treatment as well as the reason for the clot.

How Sclerotherapy Is Done

In most cases of sclerotherapy, the salt solution is injected through a very fine needle directly into the vein.

At this point, you may experience mild discomfort and cramping for one to two minutes, especially when larger veins are injected.

The procedure itself takes approximately 15 to 30 minutes.

The number of veins injected in one session depends on the size and location of the veins, as well as the general medical condition of the patient.

Sclerotherapy is performed in the doctor’s office requires that you do not do any aerobic activity for a few days after the procedure.

What to Do Before Sclerotherapy

Prior to sclerotherapy, you should avoid certain medications.

Talk to your doctor about all medicines (including over-the-counter drugs, herbs, and dietary supplements) you are taking.

If you need to take an antibiotic before sclerotherapy, contact your doctor.

No lotion should be applied to the legs before the procedure.

Some doctors recommend avoiding aspirin, ibuprofen (such as Advil, Motrin, and Nuprin) or other anti-inflammatory drugs for 48-72 hours before sclerotherapy. Tylenol, however, should not affect this procedure.

Side Effects of Sclerotherapy

You may experience certain side effects after sclerotherapy.

There are milder effects, such as itching, which can last for one or two days after the procedure.

Also, you may experience raised, red areas at the injection site.

These should disappear within a few days. Bruising may also occur around the injection site and can last several days or weeks.

A minor allergic reaction will cause itching and swelling.

What Happens After Sclerotherapy

After sclerotherapy you will be able to drive yourself home and resume your regular daily activities.

Walking is encouraged.

You will be instructed to wear support hosiery to “compress” the treated vessels.

Department store support stockings will not be adequate if a heavy compression stocking is needed.

Your GP will recommend where to purchase heavy compression stockings which are approximately between $80-$100

The initial consultation is Bulk Billed, and any fees involved will be discussed at that time depending on the severity of the veins and if only one leg or both are involved.

Phone the Practice on 07 5619 3066 to make an appointment.


A venesection? (Phlebotomy) is the act of drawing or removing blood from the circulatory system through the insertion of a cannula for the purpose of analysis, blood donations or treatment for blood disorders.

When performed as part of a patient’s treatment for several blood disorders the aim is to decrease the excess iron in the blood or decrease red blood cells.

Haemochromatosis is one disorder which requires the treatment of a venesection.


Haemochromatosis can be caused by either a genetic disorder or from a variety of factors including alcoholism and is life-long. In this disorder too much iron is absorbed into the body from the diet—over and above the body’s needs.

Once iron is absorbed into the body there is no way for it to be excreted so, over time, deposits build up in the body tissues: heart, liver, pancreas, pituitary gland, and joints, resulting in disease.

If untreated, this disease can be fatal. Liver cirrhosis, cancer, arthritis, early menopause, loss of libido, impotence, heart problems such as congestive heart failure, can all be caused by untreated haemochromatosis.

Giving blood is the only way to prevent the damage that is done to organs and joints throughout the years.

By removing blood volume via venesection, the level of iron in the blood is reduced.

What to expect

• The procedure is safe and without side effects (in most cases).

• Immediately after the procedure you may feel dizzy. This can be minimised by resting and drinking fluids.

• You may feel a little lethargic for a couple of days.

• You can resume all your normal activities after the procedure.

• Keep hydrated and drink two litres of fluid daily for 48 to 72 hours following your procedure.

• The frequency of the venesection treatments is different for everyone and is performed according to one’s condition. At first you may require up to weekly venesections. When your blood levels are under control you may only require the venesection every six to twelve weeks.

What to avoid

• After your procedure it is important for you to avoid:

• drinking alcohol for 72 hours

• strenuous exercise and heavy lifting for 24 hours.

Please contact your general practitioner (GP) if any of the following occur after discharge:

• bleeding

• fever

• redness at venesection site

• smelly discharge from your venesection site

• you feel insignificantly unwell in any way.

It generally takes approximately 15 minutes to drain 450 mls of blood. Sometimes, depending on your requirements, your doctor may order fluids to be given via another cannula inserted into your opposite arm.

After your procedure

Following your procedure your blood pressure and observations will be checked. When your blood pressure is stable you will be able to go home.

Prior to you leaving, your nurse will remove the cannula/s and cover your puncture site/s.

It is advised that you observe your venesection site for bleeding and signs of infection.

There is an out-of-pocket fee for consumables of $30.00


IV Therapy or Intravenous Infusions are a method of delivering Vitamins via a needle or canula directly into your system via a drip.

This means that the Vitamins or Treatment discussed can enter directly into the body immediately thus having a faster benefit to your overall wellbeing.

For those people that may want a pick me up, this treatment is the fastest way to deliver Hydration and Vitamins directly into body through a vein via a drip which means that 100% of the treatment is available for the body to use immediately.

The main source of the nutrients we obtain are preferably from the food we eat and drink however some people don’t consume an adequate number of daily vitamins and some other’s systems cannot absorb the nutrients required for the effectiveness of the digestive tract.

There are many variables in our body’s makeup and our day to day living that has an impact on how our body can absorb the nutrients we need to maintain a healthy body and mind.

Alcohol, Stress, and certain foods can all impact on our bodies ability to retain the essential nutrients we need.

Before any Medical Treatment, you will be assessed by a doctor to ensure that you are well and that you have been informed of all risks, any possible complications and costs involved so that you are able to make an informed decision if this form of treatment is for you.

At all times a qualified Nurse is with you during the treatment.

Please ask to see our detailed list of all Vitamin Infusions available.

Iron infusion

Iron infusion is a rapid intervention to increase the iron level.

It is an ideal treatment for people who suffer from

long term low iron level and their iron level does not increase with diet or iron supplement.

In this procedure iron is delivered to your body through your arm veins.

We recommend this procedure for patients who have tried supplements and they still have a very low ferritin level or have anaemia.

Your GP may need to order a Pathology Test first to determine your Iron Levels.

If needed the GP will give you a prescription to purchase the Iron from your Pharmacy. The cost will vary depending on your circumstances. If on a concession card around $6.60 or full price of $41.30.

Most patients notice symptoms of (tiredness, dizziness and so on) improve within a few days with the full effect being more evident after a couple of weeks.

How long would it take?

The procedure usually takes 30-60 minutes approximately depending on the amount Iron that is needed for your needs.

All Iron Infusions are always attended by a fully qualified Nurse and the patient is monitored every 15 minutes.

Please phone the rooms on 07 5619 3066 to enquire or to book an appointment.